Reduce the company's environmental impact by implementing a green and innovative solar panels solution
Obiectivul proiect:
Creșterea eficienței energetice a companiei S.C. EMSIL TECHTRANS.R.L. prin achiziționarea și instalarea a doua sisteme de eficiență energetică inovatoare, bazate pe panouri solare și echipamente adiționale dedicate.
Finantare proiect:
Proiect co-finanțat în cadrul programului „Energy Programme in Romania” conform Contractului de finanțare numărul 2021/325296, încheiat cu Innovation Norway în calitate de operator al programului.
Finantat cu sprijinul granturilor acordate prin mecanismul financiar Norvegian 2014 – 2021, in cadrul “Programului de Energie din Romania”.
Valoare Proiect:
Valoarea totală a proiectului este de €798.240
Idea/ambition for the project: The project consists in the implementation of two photovoltaic systems, placed on the roofs of the SC Emsil Techtrans SRL units from Oradea and Cluj, with a total installed capacity of 0,981 MWp, in order to ensure electricity from renewable sources for the production processes and to reduce the CO2 emissions.
The project will contribute to the following outcome(s) and output(s):
Expected outcomes:
a) Estimated annual CO2 emission reductions: 300 tons of CO2 eq./year;
b) Energy produced from other renewable sources in MWh/year: 981 MWh/year;
Expected outputs:
a) Installed capacity for production of electricity (in MW): 0,981 MW;
b) Number of new installations for production of renewable energy: 2 photovoltaic installations (on the roofs of the Promoter's units from Oradea and Cluj).